Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bald Eagles in Iowa

Once again while in the Midwest over the Holidays, I had the opportunity to go to Ottumwa, Iowa to photograph the Bald eagles. Just as last year, it was a fridged 9 degrees, but the wind wasn't as bad as last year. This made it more bearable. And believe me, when the opportunity arises to have access to so many American eagles, I for sure will brave a great deal. I was amazed at the different color patterns these fine specimens displayed. I had to do some minor research to be assured that some, as in the first picture, were indeed Bald eagles. But apparently, they are just young birds that have not sexually matured having white head and tail feathers. Their maturing process could take up to 5 years.

Soaring, with an Ottumwa neighborhood in the background.

With the northern waters frozen over, the power plant in the background creates the warmer open waters for feeding.

This last picture shows how they were perching in the trees along the Des Moines river below the power plant.

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