Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hamlet Portraits from San Salvador,Bahamas

These images were taken while on the liveaboard boat Explorer Ventures I, both in 2005 and 2006. Hamlets are in the Bass-like family of fishes. They are colorful with interesting markings.
I think the Indigo Hamlet below expresses an attitude in its appearance. There are a few more species of Hamlets whose images I hope to capture.

Indigo Hamlet

Barred Hamlet

Shy Hamlet

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Juvenile Drums - From My Dive Archives!

I was looking for some images to post. Not that I don't have any, since my catalog has grown to nearly 40,000, but its been nearly a week since my last post. I've been busy, most of my images are now stored on external HD's and I wanted something easy. Opening up some files looking for some dive images, I ran across some prepared shots of juvenile drums. These are some unique fish and express God's unique creativity. The drum has an interesting metamorphosis with a variety of changes thoughout its life span.
A few years ago while on a boat in the Casa Banks, an area about 30 miles north of Cuba in the Bahamas, I was able to get some great pics of the youngest form of this fish I've yet to see. I was returning from a dive doing my safety stop while heading back to the boat in about 15-20 ft. of water and hugging the sea floor in order to see any macro creatures that were out and about. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some really small creatures in the mouth of an opening in the coral shelf(sea floor). I stopped like a curious kid to investigate, a surprise and a treat. These juvenile drums were like little Star Wars space ships. So, I began trying to take their picture. Because they were so small and moving around the opening, it made it extremely difficult to get what looked to be, in the LCD, a useable image. With some cropping to get them to a size that can be viewed, you'll be able to see the resemblence to space ships. As for the rest of the intermediate forms of the fish you'll also get a chance to see why I think it expresses God's creativity. In the adult form a fish that starts with black and white strips, grows a streamer, then sheds it, ends up in what the icons of fashion would consider a no-no, wearing strips and poka dots together. You can compare these next images with the already posted image from February 25th, actually the kick-off post for this blog. It will be the center image of those posted on that Wednesday.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Portraits of the Week

Here are some of the shots that I took this week. It's amazing to see just how much a person can miss and how much is going on around us when we pick a small area and focus on the creatures in it. When beginning divers get to a reef, its not uncommon that they try to cover as much of the reef as fast as they can. This results in a great deal of missed reef life. In time, some find that you can settle on a small section and just hang out. Instead of you covering the reef, you stay put and let the creatures come to you or at least reveil themselves. Now, I wasn't diving this week, unfortunately, but I had been at a marsh area shooting small dragonflies. They were sitting on the leaves of plants when out of the weeds climbed a praying mantis. It basically came to me saying take my picture for your blog. I was very happy to do so. So, I know we are all busy, but the phrase,"Stop to smell the roses" can provide a nice respite during the day and remind us that there is so much we miss as we speed around.