Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bonaire Again!

I've been working on cleaning up some more images from the Bonaire trip. The blog has been good for getting my images cleaned up. Generally, they just sit in my catalog until I need something new. That's why I'm sort of staying on task with this trip. Bonaire is one of ABC islands which is nearly as far south as one can go in the Carribean before hitting the shores of Venezuela. The A is for Aruba and the C is for Curacao. The entire area around the island is a protected marine park. This is why the reefs here are pristine and the fish populations are up. There are over 60 dive sites on the western side of the island and over 26 around the island off to the west. That island is called Klein Bonaire and all its sites are boat dives unlike Bonaire's sites which are primarily shore dives. Some of the more difficult shore entries can be done as boat dives. I'll edit the previous posts in time to name the marine animals in the photographs. More to come!

"Orange Cup Corals feeding at night"

"Flamingo Tongue on the move"

"Damsel fish hanging out"

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